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Men’s Health Forum Book explains safe drinking

Services Development

Men’s Health Forum Book explains safe drinking

'Serious drinking – Alcohol made easy' is the latest in the series of ‘Man manual’ materials from the Men’s Health Forum, aimed at getting men to think about their health.

The series is based on the style of the Haynes car manual, written with a practical, tell-it-like-it-is approach.

“It’s not naggy or preaching; we take it as read that someone reading the book does drink. It’s to help people make their own decisions, manage their drinking, with the things to do if someone is concerned,” comments writer Jim Pollard, the book’s author.

Alcohol is a powerful drug that kills someone nearly every hour in the UK, the vast majority of them men, says the forum. Individual (£2.95) or bulk copies of the publication can be ordered from

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